YayMayor, feature-rich AI Search for municipalities

Increase citizen engagement with accurate search responses and analytics.

Not a chatbot

YayMayor is a fully featured search platform utilizing AI that engages citizens with your website content and provides you with powerful insights.



Search responses ALWAYS include links back to your website. Our unique validation process provides unbelievably high accuracy.



Gain valuable insights by analyzing historical or real-time interactions between citizens and the platform.

citizen engagement


Delight citizens with a simple and responsive interface, reducing phone calls and saving precious time.

easy setup

Plug and Play

Setup is quick and easy, no complicated steps or long drawn-out processes. All you need is a website!

Schedule a free demo today

See how YayMayor can drastically improve citizen engagement with your website content. Fill out your name and email and we'll contact you soon!

© 2024 YayMayor


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